Family Constellations NYC: Surrender to Love

“Surrender to Love” is our collective theme for February. If you know me at all, you know I love Valentine’s Day.

It is a day to celebrate Love, platonic or romantic. The love for our bodies and all our senses, nature, the love for self, the love for our children. The love for the Universe and the interconnectedness in which we exist.

One of my greatest teachers, Dr Brian Weiss published a book called “Only Love is Real”. Once we open ourselves up to this state of existence we resonate it through every cell of our being and become magnetic. We transform on every level into the person we want to become, we attract the right people, job, money, the life of our dreams. When this shift happens, you see that Love is much more than Twin Flames, passionate sex, flowers and chocolates and fancy dinners. Romantic love can and should absolutely be whatever version of a fairytale that resonates with you, but it may not be sustainable or fulfilling without the embodiment of this state of existence within ourselves.

Love is the highest energetic state in which we can exist.

The overarching theme in Family Constellations is Love in its purest form. I am humbled every time I step into the field to facilitate for you and bear witness to this unconditional love your soul naturally embodies within the field. It leads us to merge and bond with our family through suffering, trauma, illness, death and beyond on such a deeply subconscious level, We can go through our entire lives not understanding these holding patterns we are stuck in.

In this workshop, we will honor this love by bringing it to Light, and creating a resolution where we see self-sabotage. So you may go forth and love and belong to your family in a conscious way that also honors the sovereignty of your soul, creating space for you to truly walk your own path toward the life of your dreams. Come with me to dive into the abyss, surrender to love to resurface with a greater perspective and understanding.

I hope to see you at this workshop. Tickets can be found here. Please watch the linked Youtube Video on the ticketing page to understand the ticket tiers and feel free to reach out to me if you have questions.


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