Somatics and the Breath

When you think somatics you often think moving the body. Slow, gentle, controlled movements that when performed consistently help regulate the nervous system over time.

But one branch of somatics; somatic breathwork is incredibly effective at quickly bringing stress and anxiety down in the moment. The human respiratory system is one of the most harmonizing, integrating systems we have within us to help self-regulate. On a surface level, somatic breathwork offers temporary relief in a stressful situation, its widely known that Navy Seals use a form of breathwork to help in active combat because it shifts us from sympathetic activation (fight/flight/freeze/fawn) to parasympathetic activation (calm, rest, digest). Many of these breathwork techniques are based on ancient ayurvedic and yogic practices.

The most simple form of Somatic Breathwork is Box Breathing. Follow the steps below to engage your parasympathetic nervous system to help calm yourself down in stressful situations.

  1. Set a timer for 3 minutes.

  2. Inhale through your nose to a count of 4, filling your lungs up completely.

  3. Hold your breath to a count of 4.

  4. Exhale, audibly through your mouth to a count of 4, completely emptying your lungs.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 to the end of the 3 minutes.

Another somatic breathing exercise to help engage the nervous system is called Tactical Breathing, or 4-7-8

  1. Place your hand on your abdomen and exhale, completely emptying your lungs. A good starting point is to begin the inhale count when your lungs are completely empty and the body’s natural response is to inhale.

  2. Inhale to the count of 4 through your nose, filling your lungs completely.

  3. Hold your breath to the count of 7.

  4. Exhale audibly through your mouth, to the count of 8.

  5. Repeat for 3-6 cycles. Feel your hand rise and fall on your abdomen as you inhale and exhale.

Somatic Breathwork is such a simple and effective way to begin to reset your nervous system and to move out of a state of nervous system dysregulation. Many of us have been suppressing our emotions and overloading your nervous system, appearing well-adjusted and calm on the outside while utter chaos or complete numbness is taking over inside. Self-regulation is learning to feel your emotions completely and giving yourself space to have appropriate, communicative responses to stimulus. It is being able to feel everything and respond and then returning to equilibrium.

Join me at my next workshop or in my Heal and Recode Your Lineage Program with me to delve into the trauma loops you are stuck in and learn to create new neural pathways so you may walk unburdened through life!


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